ACDL 2022 (as ACDL 2021 and ACDL 2020): an Online & Onsite Course

The organizing committee of ACDL 2022 has decided to run the course on the originally scheduled dates (August 22-26, 2022), and to run it as a hybrid course:

  • onsite (in person) for those who can come to Tuscany, Italy and
  • online for those who cannot.

The Certosa di Pontignano (our conference venue) has enough space to obey the safety rules (put in place due to COVID-19). To accommodate a large number of participants, we are offering the option for either physical presence (onsite) or virtual participation (online). We would be delighted if all authors and participants manage to attend; however, we are aware that in the current special circumstances, it is best to hold the event in hybrid mode.

The Conference, will be held in person with virtual rooms  for participants using a remote connection (Zoom). The lectures  (e.g., live presentations or recorded ones) will also be made available online. We will make sure that the sessions also run live, such that the presenters can show and explain their results, and the attendees can ask questions and interact with the presenters. The sessions will be held one at a time which will allow participants from overseas to attend as many sessions as possible.

The keynote lectures (of the Lecturers who will give their consent to the recording of the lessons) will be recorded such that online participants can follow them either live or at any time they like to.

If the situation does not allow the event to take place in person, the event will instead be converted to a fully online mode.

Obviously, if ACDL 2022 will be converted into a fully online event, participants who paid the onsite registration fee will be refunded the difference, and will thus only pay the online registration fee.

Moreover, it is important to note that it is possible to change the mode of participation (the Registration):

from Onsite Registration → to Online Registration and similarly

from Online Registration → to Onsite Registration

We are offering the possibility to change the mode of participation to ACDL 2022. Those who register in one mode can easily change it by 22 July (one month before the course starts).

  • It is possible to take Onsite Registration and then change it to Online Registration and get a corresponding refund, but this decision must be made by 22 July.
  • Similarly, you can do Online Registration and then upgrade to Onsite Registration and pay the difference (via PayPal); this decision must also be made by 22 July.

If you have any questions please write to the organising committee:

See you (in-person or virtually – in 3D or in 2D 🙂 ) in Siena – Tuscany  in August!

The ACDL 2022 Organizing Committee.